Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions. We’ve got solutions.

Our staff is here to support you with our proven path to success. Below are answers to frequently asked questions that our customers, members, and designees alike may have, ranging on the following topics:

  • General Support
  • Membership
  • Certifications
  • Earning the CRS Designation
  • Maintaining My CRS Designation

Don’t see something you are looking for, or maybe you’d like additional information? Contact our Customer Care Team by phone at 800-462-8841 or by e-mail.


General Support

How can I change my password?

Forgot your password? Click here to receive an email or text notification with a temporary password. Note: it will be sent to the address or cell phone number we have on file for you.

Need to update or change your password once you login? You can do so by navigating to My Dashboard, and then Change Password.

Where can I locate my Education History?

Once you login to your profile, navigate to My Dashboard and select My Education to view all past courses you have completed, or any current and upcoming education that you have signed up for.

Where can I manage my subscriptions or recurring billing options?

After logging in to your profile, navigate to My Dashboard and then to the sub-heading of “Payments and Orders”. Herein, you can review your order history, review any open invoices for registrations, manage your saved payment methods and concurrent subscriptions, and more.

I signed up for a class or event. How do I check the details of my registration?

Login to your profile, and under My Dashboard, select the link for Registrations

What can I expect during a live webinar?

Check out this short tutorial about what you can expect on a live webinar event.

I’m a new member. What should I do to get started?

Welcome to the Council! We are so thrilled to have you as a member. We encourage you to start taking advantage of all your great benefits, learn about upcoming courses and events in your area, and start networking with other agents in our organization. Your membership is going to be a valuable tool that will help you go above and beyond in your professional career.

What are the main benefits of RRC Membership?

CRS membership offers you access to the following benefits:

  • Cutting-Edge Education: Enjoy up to 50% off best-in-class education including live classroom courses taught across the country, self-paced eLearning, live and recorded on-demand webinars, video and more.
  • Events: Attend RRC Events like our annual Sell-a-bration conference at preferred member pricing.
  • News & Information: RRC members get access to a host of complimentary and curated leading news and information sources like Inman Select and The Council’s award winning magazine, The Residential Specialist.
  • Local Networking: When you join RRC, you also get free access to your local State RRC organization, where you can connect with other successful agents through local networking and educational events.


Learn more about member benefits.