The Residential Real Estate Council (RRC) takes a bold step forward with its renowned CRS Training Course, recognized as the pinnacle credential in residential real estate across the USA.

Embracing a new trajectory, RRC is expanding its educational certification programs into Asia, empowering real estate practitioners to compete on a global scale. The CRS Training Certification Program stands as the epitome of expertise in residential real estate, akin to achieving a PhD in the field.

Mark your calendars for February 29, March 1 & 2, 2024, as RRC convenes in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the illustrious Caesar’s Palace for its annual gathering of CRS stalwarts, aptly named SELL-A-BRATION.

This cherished event commemorates significant milestones, with this year marking the official inclusion of Asia into its fold. 

During the opening parade on the first day of SELL-A-BRATION, two distinguished members of the RRC Asia Global Leadership Council will proudly bear their countries’ flags. Ms. Janette SJ Hernandez, a former National President of the Real Estate Brokers Association of the Philippines (REBAP), and Pavini Tanitpongpavi of RRC Thailand will symbolize their nations’ commitment to excellence in real estate.

Witness this historic moment by tuning into the LIVE STREAM link on the website,, and be part of the global expansion of the Certified Residential Specialist.